We give you more insight into your health with your 'a.s.r. Vitality Age'. By filling in health questions in the app and by completing the a.s.r. Vitality Health Check, you will gain more insight into your health and earn Vitality points too! These count towards your Vitality Status, which you can use to earn cashback on your insurance.
'Know Your Health' is divided into four sections that will eventually determine your a.s.r. Vitality Age. This gives you more insight into your own health and earns you Vitality Points at the same time.
Your a.s.r. Vitality Age gives you an indication of how healthy you are, based on over 10 risk factors. These risk factors are derived from around 200 studies involving more than 23,000 people in total. We use the following to calculate your Vitality health:
If your a.s.r. Vitality Age is higher than your real age, then you can earn extra health points by using a.s.r. Vitality. The app gives you tips on how to lower your Vitality Age. If you’re a.s.r. Vitality Age is the same as or lower than your actual age, this means you are healthy. Keep up the good work!
There are 3 parts to the a.s.r. Vitality Health Questions:
In the a.s.r. Nutrition Test we ask you about your eating habits. Complete the survey and earn 500 Vitality Points immediately.
Je kunt ook de a.s.r. Gezondheid Check doen. Hierbij worden een aantal waardes zoals bloedsuiker, BMI en bloeddruk gemeten.
You can also have the a.s.r. Health Check where a number of values such as blood sugar, BMI and blood pressure are measured.
You will receive your Vitality Points as soon as you upload the report into the app. We pay the costs of your a.s.r. Vitality Health Check if you have it done by one of the selected branches of BENU apothekers.
If you don't smoke, fill in a non-smoker’s declaration in the app and get 500 extra Vitality Points.
Any health information you share with us through the app will not be shared with your insurer. We will only use your answers to reward you with Vitality Points.
Once you’ve completed this part, it’s time to really get started! You can do this in the Improve Your Health section by exercising towards Vitality Points. You can use these points to earn weekly and monthly rewards.