Two years ago, we started developing a completely new administration system. By doing so, we are meeting all the requirements of the new pension system. We are building this together with our customers and advisers. We are also developing new corresponding portals for employers, employees and advisers. Just a little longer and you will be able to use a brand new employer portal. We are already interested to hear what you think of it.
At the end of January, we will transfer all your pension scheme data in the Employee Pension to our new administration system. From then on, you, your employees and advisers will have access to completely new portals.
On this page, you will find information about the planning and you can read what you can do as an employer to be properly prepared.
Until 15 December | In the current employer portal: • You communicate to us the details of your main contact person. • You keep your changes up to date. |
15 December 2023 up to 24 January 2024 | • During this period, you cannot communicate changes. You must save your changes. |
20 January 2024 | • Conversion of pension contract data. Policies will be converted to the new administration system. |
24 January 2024 | • Access to new employer portal via a.s.r. business. • Employee access to new participant portal via a.s.r. account (personal account). |
After 24 January 2024 | • Communicate saved changes in the new adviser portal. |
2024 | • Further development of portals. |
In the new employer portal, data is even more secure. In the portal, you can see the details of your pension scheme and corresponding documents. Communicating the arrival and departure of employees and changes to salary data will be even easier and faster. Both for individual employees and for several employees at the same time. After the conversion, not all functionalities will be available immediately. The Employer Dashboard, 'Your Money Matters' page and salary package links will be available later. You will be notified about this in due course.
Via the a.s.r. business account, you will in future have access to all a.s.r. business products with a single logon. Soon you will also log on to your new employer portal via a.s.r. business. Do you have the business Vitality product too? If so, you already have an a.s.r. business account and can use your existing account to log on.
After the conversion, you will log on to the new employer portal via a.s.r. business. For security reasons, logging on is only possible via a 2-step log on system. A text message on your mobile phone verifies that the right person is logging on. This may also be a foreign mobile number. For your first log on, we therefore need several details for each employer, including the mobile telephone number and e-mail address of the main contact person. It is important that we receive this information as soon as possible.
You can enter the details of your main contact person using the form in the current employer portal.
In this current portal, you can still submit this data, even though you can no longer make changes through the portal.
After the conversion, your main contact person will receive an activation e-mail with instructions as to how to log on. Clicking on the link will send a text message to the mobile number provided. This may also be a foreign number. By confirming the text message, your main contact person will be given access to the employer portal and can then authorise others.
Please note: Do several people currently have access to the current employer portal? If so, the logon details for the new employer portal will expire. The main contact person ensures that individuals are (re)authorised and given the appropriate rights. As an employer, do you have multiple contracts? If so, you will receive a separate message about logging on.
The pension scheme data in the Employee Pension and your employees' data as at 1 January will be transferred to the new administration system at the end of January 2024. Subsequently, whoever is specified as the main contact person will receive an e-mail from a.s.r. This will explain how the main contact person can log on to a.s.r. business and create new contacts.
Make sure you are as up to date as possible with communicating changes in the current employer portal. This will allow us to convert the most up-to-date data to the new administration system. This avoids many changes still having to be made after the conversion and subsequent correction invoices.
From 15 December 2023, to 24 January 2024, it is not possible to submit changes (mutation freeze). This is because during this period we will be converting all data to the new administration system. Save any changes temporarily during this period.
You and your adviser will however continue to have access to the current employer portal and the data. After the conversion, you and your adviser will receive a message, in which we will let you know how the changes saved can be submitted in the new employer portal. We will process the change retro-actively after this period.
Are you taking on new employees during this period? If so, they will be insured, even though they are not yet registered.
Changes via UPA
Are changes submitted via Uniform Pension Submission/UPA? If so, You can continue to submit the UPA files as usual. November is the last month for which the declarations will still be processed before the conversion. Declarations from December onwards can be submitted as usual, but they will be processed in chronological order after the conversion.
Changes via Benefits-Plaza or EBlinC
Are changes submitted via Benefits-Plaza or EBlinC? If so, you can continue to submit changes . The ‘employee return link’ is unavailable in Benefits-Plaza from 15 December 2023 to 24 January 2024. The changes you submit at Benefits-Plaza or EBlinC are collected and will not be processed until after the conversion. You will also be informed by a.s.r. and Benefits-Plaza or EBlinC.
Please note that the data conversion to the new administration system has been rescheduled to 20 January 2024. The billing schedule has been adjusted accordingly.
At the end of December, you will receive an invoice for changes made until 15 December 2023
You received invoices in October and November as usual. During the period when we convert the administration to the new administration, it will not be possible to generate an invoice. Were any changes made after the last invoice between mid-November and 15 December? If so, on 21 December you will receive a notification that in the current portal, an invoice is ready for the period up to 15 December. Around 27 December, we will collect the amount stated on the invoice. The invoice and specification can be found in the current portal under 'File'. Were no changes made during that period? If that is the case, you won't receive an invoice.
You will receive a provisional invoice for January
On 27 December, you will receive a notification that a provisional invoice is ready in the current portal for the January contribution renewal. We will collect these amounts on 2 January. This will allow us to invest your employees' contributions in a timely manner despite the conversion. This invoice and specification can also be found in the current portal under 'File'.
New bank account number
End of December we will start working with a new bank account number NL39 ABNA 0625 8796 51, in the name of ASR Betalingscentrum B.V. The provisional invoice for January already states the new bank account number. You will receive a mandate letter from us at the end of December with the new collection details.
You will receive a final invoice for January at the end of January
You will receive a provisional invoice for January at the end of December. At the end of January after conversion, the actual contribution will be calculated for January. You will receive a notification that the final invoice is ready in the new employer portal.
The following items will then be entered in the current account:
From 15 December 2023 to 24 January 2024, your employees will still have access to the current participant portal, but they will not be able to communicate changes during this period. During this period we will be converting all data to the new administration system. Do employees want to make extra contributions or switch investment profiles, for example? If so, it would be best for them to do so by 15 December. Or wait until the end of January. We will inform the employees about this.
Your employees' data will have been transferred to the new administration system at the end of January. Nothing will change in terms of registration numbers (policy numbers). Only ex-partners will receive a new registration number. The ex-partners will receive a letter about this after the conversion.
After the conversion, your employees will receive a message. In it, we will invite them to take a look at the new participant portal. Here they can see how they are doing in terms of their pension and what options they have to make the pension fit their needs. As an employer, you do not have access to the participant portal due to privacy concerns.
Your employees will receive a benefit statement (Uniform Benefit Statement) from us every year. The Uniform Benefit Statement always refers to a calendar year. Previously, it was indicated that due to the conversion, your employees would receive two separate benefit statements on a one-time basis. Because the conversion has been rescheduled to the end of January 2024, employees will receive just one UPO for the year 2023.
Once you have access to the new employer portal, your adviser will also have access to the employer portal. Consequently, the adviser can also handle the management.
For questions relating to the new pension administration or about the use of the new portals, please contact your account manager or your commercial customer relationship manager. Or you use the Contact form. We then will contact you.