The new pension system affects all pension schemes and also imposes requirements on how we assist employees with their pension choices. Therefore, we have developed a new administration system. The new system needed to be flexible and future-proof, aligning with the new pension regulations (Wet toekomst pensioenen) and supporting multiple products. In co-creation with our clients and advisors, we have developed new associated portals for employers, employees, and advisors that seamlessly integrate with the administration system.
The development of the new platform and its associated portals has been quite challenging. Those do not meet the standard you can expect from a.s.r. We recognize that the system and portals are not yet up to par. Our team at a.s.r. and our suppliers are working diligently to optimize performance and deliver improvements to meet the high standards you expect from us.
Following the new administrative system, we have also developed a new portal for employers, ‘My Pension Portal’. In the new portal, you can see the details of your pension scheme and soon also the associated documents.
Employers, employees, and advisors extensively utilize our new portals. Although everyone will need to adjust to these new portals, the feedback regarding the look and feel has been predominantly positive. Unfortunately, due to the high number of simultaneous logins, the performance has declined. This may cause delays in transmitting changes and loading data. We are aware that this is not ideal and are continuously working to enhance performance.
My Pension Portal is being further developed
In the coming period, we will continue to enhance the employer portal. In March, several releases took place, significantly improving performance. An English version of the portal is now also available. In a later release, language preferences will also be retained. English-language (legal) documents will follow later. Two new pages were delivered in the October release: the 'Submitted changes' page and the 'Your finances' page.
Larger releases
Every quarter, we have upcoming releases in which we implement further improvements. After each major release, we will keep you informed through special editions of the newsletter. This way, we’ll let you know the areas where progress has been made.
Through an a.s.r. business account, you have one login for access to all a.s.r. business products. You also log in using an a.s.r. business account in My Pension Portal. If you are already using the business Vitality-product, you already have an a.s.r. business account and can use your existing account to log in. Go to a.s.r. business to log in.
We have requested every employer to provide certain details such as the mobile number and email address, from a main contact person. The main contact persons have received an email with an activation link to log on toe My Pension portal via a.s.r. business.
With the enhanced security, the main contact person logs in through a 2-step system. When this person clicks on the link, the main contact person receives an SMS with a login code on the provided mobile number. By confirming the SMS, the main contact person gains access to the new My Pension Portal. Subsequently, the main contact person can grant access to colleagues in a.s.r. business.
Authorize colleagues in a.s.r. business
Do you want to authorize someone to work in My Pension Portal? Go to a.s.r. business (not My Pension Portal) for that. Under 'Users and roles,' you can authorize multiple users to log in to My Pension Portal via a.s.r. business. Here, you specify their roles and rights. You can also change a username or password on business.
If we don't receive (correct) data, you cannot log in!
If we haven't received (correct) data from the main contact person, we cannot send an SMS with a login code. The main contact person cannot log in and cannot authorize colleagues. In that case, please contact our Business Service Desk quickly.
In business under ‘Users and roles,’ you can authorize multiple users to log in to My Pension Portal through a.s.r. business. Here, you specify their roles and permissions. For changing a username or password, you can also visit a.s.r. business.
Need assistance with logging in via a.s.r. business or grant access to someone? Contact the Business Service Desk via +31 30 257 86 98 or send an email to We are available on weekdays from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
Tips & tricks for submitting changes in My Pension Portal
As of October, the new ‘Submitted changes’ page has been added to your portal. Here you can see the changes that you have communicated with the current status. At present, only individual changes are visible here. From December 2024, you will also see collective changes with the current status.
Read the tips & tricks here on how to notify us of changes with an effective date prior to 1 January 2024, and how to notify us of changes with an effective date after 1 January 2024 via My pension portal.
Notify us of changes with an effective date prior to 1 January 2024 as soon as possible. No later than 1 November 2024, so we can process them this year.
Please also inform us of the 2024 changes. This allows your employees to see the current status of their pension in their portal.
Processing of changes
The accumulated and new changes with an effective date as of 1 January 2024, will be processed in our new administration system after you have reported them.
The accumulated changes with an effective date before 1 January 1 2024, do not enter the new administration system directly. These will be processed separately. It may therefore take some time before these changes are processed retroactively.
Employees who have joined in the meantime will still participate in the pension scheme and start accruing pension benefits from the date of employment. They will also be covered for the risks of death and disability from that moment. Once their employment has been processed, they will receive a welcome email with a link to their online pension environment 'My pension'.
Only Net Pension Scheme in Employee Pension
If you have only a Net Pension Scheme in the Employee Pension, the details of this scheme are not yet visible in My Pension Portal. Mutations for this scheme cannot be submitted yet. As of 2025, the Only Net Pension Schemes are expected to be visible in the portal. If you encounter any issues, please contact your contact person at a.s.r. We are here to help.
Submitting changes via salary link UPA
If you submit salary and employment data via UPA salary link, then you will continue to submit the declarations as usual.
New contract number for UPA
In early January, you received an email with a new contract number. You had to (or should have) updated this number in your payroll administration.
Processing of UPA files
The in- and out-of-service mutations prior to 1 January 2024 have been processed. Additionally, most of the 2023 out-of-service mutations have also been processed. However, this does mean that there will be a subsequent correction to the employee's premium and investment units for 2023.
Do you submit mutations via Benefits-Plaza?
In early February, Keylane, in collaboration with a.s.r., converted all contracts with a pension scheme in the Employee Pension to the new Benefits-Plaza link. The new contract numbers have been included, and the mutation link with a.s.r. has been activated. Unfortunately, there were some cases of mutation failures. Over the past period, various issues have been resolved.
Failures in processing mutations for participants with foreign adresses are resolved
There was a failure in processing mutations for participants with foreign addresses. These mutations remained in the ‘Te verwerken’ status with a technical error message. This issue has been resolved, and the relevant mutations have now been successfully processed.
Failures due to differences in 'datum ingangsdatum deelname' are resolved
Certain mutations remained in the ‘In behandeling bij verzekeraar’ status and were subsequently not processed. This failure occurred because there was a discrepancy between the dates in Benefits-Plaza and those at a.s.r. Due to an adjustment, this type of failure no longer occurs. Mutations that previously failed will be retrospectively processed by a.s.r. and then finalized by Keylane in Benefits-Plaza.
Resubmit mutations with the message 'DatumAanvangDeelname mag niet voor DatumIngang liggen'
a.s.r. has a new pension administration system. There were issues with data for employees who have been administered in Benefits-Plaza for many years and who had joined during past months. These data points are linked to the scheme, effective from the first of each month. However, this information cannot be accommodated in the new pension administration system. As a result, these mutations were not processed, and you encountered the message ‘DatumAanvangDeelname mag niet voor DatumIngang liggen’. Since April 9, Benefits-Plaza now includes the employment start date (DatumAanvangDeelname) when the ‘date of employment’ falls after the ‘policy start date’ in Benefits-Plaza. Consequently, these mutations no longer fail.
Ensure that employee data is synchronized
Many mutations fail due to missing data when employee information is not synchronized. You can recognize this issue by the message ‘Datum aanvang deelname jjjj-mm-dd ligt niet in het aangeleverde tijdvak 2024-01-01 - 2024-12-31). This synchronization is mandatory for new employment contracts.
Keylane enabled the ‘Synchroniseren werknemergegevens met bronsysteem’ setting in early February. If you haven’t modified the settings, synchronization will occur automatically.
After successful synchronization, resubmit the mutations with the above-mentioned message. You are responsible for managing and verifying the relevant employee data.
Do you submit mutations via EBlinC?
If so, you can continue to submit the mutations as usual. You will be informed by EBlinC about the submission of mutations and their processing.
The ‘Your finances’ page has been added to the new My pension portal. Here you will receive a complete overview of the financial matters and you will have an insight into your current account.
Current account
In the old My Pension Plaza, changes were processed once a month. Now, we operate with a current account, where changes are processed the next day. If you submit a change, you will receive the invoice the next day. In 'Documents,' you will find the invoices and statements of your current account. The collection always takes place based on the total outstanding balance in the current account on the first of the month.
Large number of invoices
It’s possible that you’re currently receiving a large number of invoices. There are several reasons for this:
We are now using a new bank account number: NL39 ABNA 0625 8796 51, under the name of ASR Betalingscentrum B.V. You received a mandate letter with the updated direct debit details at the end of December. The new bank account number will also be mentioned on the invoices.
Lower premium
Its possible that the premium for your employees may be lower as of 1 January, due to a higher deductible and because salary data for 2024 may nog have been submitted and processed yet.
The pension details of your employees were transferred to our new administrative system on 22 January, with the status as of 1 January 2024. There are no changes to registration numbers (policy numbers). Only ex-partners will receive a new registration number. Ex-partners will receive a letter about this after the conversion.
Your employees receive an email with a link to their new personal pension environment, My Pension. Your employees can see their pension status and explore options to align their pension with their preferences.
If employees have questions or want to make changes before receiving an invitation for My Pension, they can contact our customer service. As an employer, due to privacy reasons, you do not have access to the pension environment of your employees.
Your employees who are on leave or are disabled
The data of your disabled employees has also been transferred to the new administration system. This also applies to employees who are on leave. These employees will be informed separately about this later.
Employees hired before 1 January 1 2024
The registrations of employees hired before 1 January 1 2024 are processed. These employees will receive a welcome email with a link to their online pension environment 'My Pension'.
Your employees receive a pension overview (Uniform Pension Statement) every year. The Uniform Pension Statement always covers a calendar year. Your employees will receive the UPO for 2023. As an employer, you can inform your employees that their UPOs will soon be available for them again.
If your employees need advice, you can authorise your adviser to contact them via the employer portal. Your employees can then give the adviser access via the participant portal to view alongside them.
From now on, your employees can fictitiously adjust the retirement date in the pension checker. The level of the pension will then be adjusted automatically. For example, participants can see how high the pension will be if they retire earlier or later. If the retirement date has been chosen, you can now report this directly via the participant portal.
Retirement is a significant moment. A great deal changes at that time in the lives of your current and former employees. That is why we have made the ‘retiring’ process even clearer in the participant portal. We also share the experiences of others.
As soon as you have access to My Pension Portal, your advisor will also have access to this portal. They can also potentially perform management tasks.
Heeft u een vraag over het inloggen via Cockpit in uw pensioenportaal? Neem dan contact op met Servicedesk zakelijk via (030) 257 86 98 of stuur een e-mail naar Wij zijn bereikbaar op werkdagen van 8.30 – 17.30 uur.
Heeft u pensioeninhoudelijke vragen? Neem dan gerust contact op met uw accountmanager of uw commercieel relatiebeheerder. Of u kunt gebruikmaken van het Contactformulier. Dan bellen we u terug.