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While most bills from healthcare providers are directly send to us, it may occur that you will receive a bill from them and have to claim it yourself. Want to know how that works? Continue reading to find out.

Use your a.s.r. account or our app

At a.s.r. there is two  ways to quickly claim your bills: by phone, using our 'Zorg' app. Or by browser, using your a.s.r. account. 

Claiming bills using the 'Zorg' app (smartphone) 
  1. Download the Zorg app for 'Ik kies zelf van a.s.r.' or 'a.s.r.' based on your insurance
  2. Go to 'declaratie indienen' (submit claim)
  3. Upload a picture of your bill using 'galerij' (album) or 'camera' (camera)
  4. Done. We process 90% of our claims within 10 days. You can check the status of your claim in the app. 
Claiming bills using your a.s.r. account (browser) 
  1. Make your claim digital by scanning or taking a picture of it
  2. Log in using the buttons below
  3. Upload your file and answer if your bill is from a foreign (uit het buitenland) or domestic (uit Nederland) health care provider
  4. Done. We process 90% of our claims within 10 days. You can check the status of your claim in your a.s.r. account.
Until when can I claim my bills?

It is important to send in your bills as quickly as possible. If your bill is older than 3 years after the treatment date, we will no longer reimburse you.

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formerly Ditzo formerly Ditzo formerly Ditzo