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Welcome to a.s.r.

The Employee Pension of De Amersfoortse is set to become the Employee Pension of a.s.r. from mid-July 2017. From then on, correspondence about your pension will come from a.s.r. rather than from De Amersfoortse. We are also introducing a new personal environment for employees: My Pension Plaza. This portal will allow you easy access to pension details and let you gain a better understanding of a pension situation.

Why a.s.r.?

From mid-July onwards, we will be offering all our pension products, including the Employee Pension, under a single brand: a.s.r. This will allow us to respond better to developments. As such, we will be able to continue offering a competitive product that meets the demands of employers and employees.

Understanding your pension

Four out of ten people do not know how much their retirement pension will be worth. Yet you work one day a week on average towards your pension. This is why we feel it is important that you know about your pension situation and why we will be introducing My Pension Plaza. What does it offer?

  • You see at a glance what your pension savings are and when your pension will come into payment.
  • You can easily and intuitive make choices.
  • You can use a convenient calculation tool, for instance if you want to make extra contributions, or if you want to reduce the risk to which your pension capital is exposed.
What will change?
For employees

For you, there will be little change. The terms and conditions of your pension scheme will stay the same. However, from mid-July onwards, the information about your pension scheme will be hosted on a different website and our contact details will change. Information will come from a.s.r. in the future. The changes:

For employers

From a legal perspective, there will be no changes. ASR Levensverzekering N.V. is and will continue to be the provider of the Employee Pension. The terms and conditions and back-office systems of the Employee Pension will remain the same. What will not change either are the service level and personal attention that you are accustomed to. Information and correspondence you receive will only come from a.s.r., and some other things will change: