Amendments to your pension
This web page provides information on amendments to your pension scheme. It will tell you how to notify us of any changes, but will also provide information on amendments to your pension scheme that occurred in the last few years as a result of government changes.
Notifying us of any changes
We are automatically informed of certain changes that occur in your life. Your employer will notify us of most work-related changes. The municipality will send us a notification message if you move or get married. You can use your personal a.s.r. account if you wish to inform us of any other changes. All you have to do is log on with your DigiD details.
Government changes
The government has made quite a few changes to the pension rules in the last few years. Some of these changes may affect your pension, whereas others may not. We will always inform you of any amendments to your pension scheme if you have a pension with a.s.r.
What has changed?
ou can find out which government changes have been introduced in the last few years below. You can also access the letters we sent you regarding these changes, by visiting your personal page and then going to your file. These letters will tell you whether any of these changes apply to you.
The government has introduced the following changes as of 1 January 2018:
•Standard retirement age increased to 68
The standard retirement age has been increased from 67 to 68. Please read our section on the increase (Dutch only) to find out more about what this actually entails.
•New flexibility factors
New flexibility factors will apply for pension conversions, pension deferment, early retirement and commutation rates. Please click here to find out more about the new flexibility factors (Dutch only).
•New investment propositions
Defined contribution schemes that rely on investments will be subject to new legal requirements as specified in the Dutch Enhanced Pension Contribution Scheme Act (Wet verbeterde premieregelingen). Please click here to find out more about our renewed investment proposition (Dutch only).The government has introduced pension scheme cuts as of 1 January 2015.
•Pension scheme cuts
These cuts may affect your pension scheme. Please click here to read more about the cuts.
Visit your file on your personal page to see whether any of these changes apply to you.